
Writing a Rake Task to Generate New Posts for a Jekyll-Powered Blog

Writing a Rake Task to Generate New Posts for a Jekyll-Powered Blog 910 1364 Clark

rake gen:post TITLE="[INSERT TITLE]" [D] [FN] [TAGS] I couldn’t find a good plugin online for using a command to generate Jekyll post-files automatically date-stamped and stubbed with content/YAML front matter. So, I got some practice writing a simple Rake task. Here is an easy way to create a custom post…

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The Active Record Pattern

The Active Record Pattern 150 150 Clark

This post is meant as a ‘high-level’ survey of the Active Record Pattern, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), and the Ruby on Rails’ implementation of the Active Record Pattern — the ActiveRecord gem.

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Shakin’ Class: Pianos in Different Area Codes

Shakin’ Class: Pianos in Different Area Codes 150 150 Clark

There are a lot of ways to model objects in our world – a globe to represent earth, a popsicle-stick art project to model a real building, a drawing to represent statue, a mathematical equation to model a beehive, a Minkowski spacetime diagram to model space and time, ad infinitum.…

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Enumerable#cycle from Ruby

Enumerable#cycle from Ruby 150 150 Clark

Enumerable#cycle(n = nil) { |obj| block } -> nil Ruby Documentation of Enumerable#cycle Calls block for each element of enum repeatedly n times or forever if none or nil is given. If a non-positive number is given or the collection is empty, #cycle does nothing. #cycle returns nil if the…

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